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7 Reasons to Use An Online Calendar

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Work’s been crazy lately, hasn’t it?  You picked up a new client, you’re onboarding a new hire, and you’ve upped the time on the weekly team meeting to accommodate; on top of that, you’ve also been juggling your kid’s soccer schedule, your monthly lunch date with your college roommates, and an upcoming visit from your great aunt for next week…. Wait, maybe it’s actually this week? Where did you write that date down again…?

You’re a busy person.  Sometimes things get hectic and your usually-reliable scheduling style can’t keep up.  That’s why it’s important to keep your calendar up to date, organized, and mobile for late-in-the-game changes.  An online calendar is the ultimate solution to scheduling stress in the twenty-first century. Here’s a couple reasons to encourage you to make the switch from a paperback planner to an online organizer:

1. You have it with you at all times:

You probably never leave your house without your phone these days.  Although sometimes the pressure to be constantly “plugged in” can be daunting, it is a perfectly normal part of daily life to check your phone to see what you have going on for the week. By keeping all of your scheduling needs online, you can guarantee you never have to scribble a last-minute change of plans onto a scrap of paper because you left your pocketbook in your other bag.

2. You know you have the same details as other members of your “party”:

With online calendars like Google Calendars, which links to your email, you can send out event invitations to anyone in your contacts. This allows you to control and confirm details like time, date, and location in your event, and make sure the others attending the same event have the same details as you.  No more showing up to the wrong Starbucks!

3. Color coordination can keep you on track:

Everyone knows you have to tap into different mentalities for different occasions:  It can be difficult to switch from “dinner with friends” directly into “parent-teacher conference” and then back to “call with a client about financials.”  It can be helpful to differentiate between these types of events on your chosen scheduling platform; luckily, online calendars allow you to color coordinate your events (blue for work events, purple for social events, red for networking, etc.) so you can easily see what your day looks like from a quick glance.  No more breaking the bank on those fun colored pens you’ve been using!

4. Visual blocks of time help with time management:

With online calendars, your scheduled plans require a beginning time and ending time for your event.  You can then view your day with that event literally blocked out for the set times; by seeing how much of your day that event will take up, you will be able to manage the rest of your day much more efficiently.

5. Start the day with a ten minute review:

With a glance at a well-organized calendar in the morning, you can take quick stock of your day and plan accordingly. Pick out your outfit, pack your lunch with your late afternoon meeting in mind (no tuna salad for you today), and have your lounge clothes laid out to slip on after a long day.  This allows you to mentally prepare for all the things you have coming at you today, so you can tackle it all with ease and preparation.

6. Set reminders keep you from losing track of time:

When creating an event for your calendar, you have the option to create a reminder for yourself - for example, perhaps you want a reminder an hour before your doctor’s appointment so you have time to catch your bus, or a notification ten minutes before a client call so you can wrap up your work and organize the necessary information in the given time.  You’re a busy person, after all, and things can slip your mind… this way, you never have to get caught off guard again!

7. It’s easy!:

Online calendars are now extremely user-friendly.  Even if you have never used one before, it won’t take long to get the hang of it.  However, if you need a hand to get used to a system, or you simply do not have the bandwidth to manage an online calendar on your own, you can hire someone to take over your scheduling for you!  Here at Assistants 4 Hire, we manage many clients’ online calendars and scheduling needs. That way, we can focus on the details, and you can focus on what you do best:  showing up and making the most of your time.

Written by Jordan McAndrew

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