Today, more and more is demanded of law firms in order to keep up with an increasingly fast-paced industry. As an attorney, there are many ways in which hiring a Virtual Assistant can help grow your business and increase revenue.
Hiring a VA to do specialized tasks can help you focus more on your client base and other important operations in your practice without spending time doing your own admin work or other responsibilities that can be delegated to someone else.
Here are five ways in which hiring a virtual assistant can help with your business:
The Cost
Unlike hiring an in-house employee, hiring a virtual assistant means that you won’t have to worry about providing benefits, office space, equipment… and the list goes on. A virtual assistant is an independent contractor and handles all the work from the convenience of their own home. Because they are independent contractors, they are also paid for the time they provide their services, rather than salary.
Specialized Skills
One of the family law attorneys I work with has me perform social media duties for her daily. In the afternoon, I log into her Facebook and find inquiries in groups from people in need of her services (i.e. parent groups). I keep track of these responses and also find groups that will help her gain potential clients. Because of this task, her business has steadily grown, gaining multiple clients each month.
This is just one example of how virtual assistants often come equipped with their own set of skills needed to perform a specific job within the practice — legal transcription, research, etc. Finding someone who knows how to do tasks that cater to your needs does wonders.
Oftentimes, VA’s set their own hours. They might even work in a different time zone than where you practice. This means that they can perform work for you even while you’re “off the clock.” Even though attorneys are never really off the clock…
Better service
Overall, when a virtual assistant takes chunks of time out of your day to take on tasks, you are able to spend more time figuring out how to provide the best services for your clients. You no longer have to worry about managing inboxes, setting appointments, doing research, etc. You can focus on the people who need you the most.
Growing an Online Presence
As I mentioned, one of the tasks I perform for one of our clients is via social media. While I handle correspondence, another VA on our team handles her blogs. Advertising in these two ways has greatly increased the presence of our client online, and it can be done on all platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok! So many people refer to the online world today to find legal help, and having a larger online footprint will make you appear more credible.
There are many ways in which hiring a VA can help to scale your business. Figuring out your business needs and going from there will really help you in the long run with your practice.
If you’re looking for expert help in your field, learn more at our website: https://www.assistants4hire.net/
Written by Travis Cilik