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Uplift Yourself with Self-Love!

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

While we're on the subject of love this month, it's a good idea to take some time to consider whether we're doing enough to love ourselves. There are many reasons to focus on yourself, whether you are in a relationship or not, and the poet Rupi Kaur sums it up beautifully: "How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you." As a result, we must learn to love "ME." This is also important for maintaining mental health. According to Mental Health America, here are some interesting statistics about mental health in 2021.

Self-love has become a necessity, and to be clear, it is not about being self-centered or selfish; rather, it is about self-preservation and being able to care for yourself in order to care for others, because you can't pour from an empty jug. Because February is the month of love, you may come across several self-love challenges while browsing the internet – but it would be prudent to look for nurturing self-love as a more sustainable practice, something that addresses your mind-body-spirit!

Sustainable Wellness:

The first thought that comes to mind is general well-being. What better way to begin a self-love journey than by discovering your true authentic self and getting out of your own way? And do so in a two-pronged approach, embarking on both a spiritual and physical journey? Yes, you can do both and have your own tailored solutions while remaining accountable. Improve your diet and eating habits, as well as your sleep hygiene, physical fitness, and spiritual journey. Dave Fresilli does all of this and more; visit his website for informative blogs, free workshops, and a fantastic support community.

Better Relationship:

If you're in a relationship and looking for ways to improve your relationship while working on "YOU," we've got just the thing. With small, easy-to-implement assignments and an informative blog with video guidance from an expert, head on over to MetroRelationship, where there are heaps of helpful weekly, monthly resources, heaps of interactive social lives – there is plenty of information to work through and heaps on self-love!

Building Your Personal Brand:

Self-care is also beneficial when working to improve your personal brand. While it is important to be gentle and caring with yourself, it is also important to work on your resilience and grit. Because, let's face it, we all have problems to deal with. And we have the ideal book… READY, SET, GRIT! This book documents Elin Barton's incredible journey, with amazing insights and reflections throughout to help you reflect on your own. She also has an amazing community on The BoardRoom that brings together like-minded individuals where you can focus on building your personal brand.

Growing Your Business:

If you're looking to expand your business and are wondering why I included this in a self-love blog, let me explain. Self-love is truly defined by doing what you enjoy. If you do what you enjoy, it will seem as if you have never worked a day in your life. You may claim that you are already doing what you enjoy...but are you? Consider all of the minor tasks that sap your energy... It could be bookkeeping, follow-up emails, or the black hole which is our mailboxes, where all productivity goes to die. Subscribe to self-love, DELEGATE these tasks, and strive to be a more productive YOU! Do you need to maintain accountability? MerriLyn does an excellent job of productivity coaching.

You've probably realized that there are more aspects to self-love than a bubble bath or spa day! Self-love must be sustainable; it must result in small changes that add up to a LOT in your life, such as building your brand, growing your business, and working on your spiritual and physical well-being. Make February the month of investing in yourself!

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Written by Tatum De Souza

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