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In Pursuit of Success!


Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Since It’s that time of the year again when we evaluate goals and come up with new ones to achieve, here is some food for thought!

Have you noticed that you have been successful in achieving SOME of your goals but struggling with achieving others?

It can be challenging to understand why you succeed and fail at times.

But it's not who we are that prevents us from achieving our goals; it's what we do!

Here are some steps that have the biggest impact on our success!

Be Specific!

When you set a goal to achieve, be as specific as possible so you are clear about what success will look like when you achieve it!

Lose weight as opposed to losing 15 pounds…

The first goal is far too broad! The second, on the other hand, is detailed enough to leave no room for doubt! This clarifies the actions and course of action.

Seize The Moment!

We're all guilty of juggling so many balls in the air that we often miss opportunities to act on our goals.

So seize the moment and prepare ahead of time when you will take action; this planning will help your brain to take action, which has been shown to boost the possibility of action and thus success by over 300%. This also helps you eliminate obstacles.

Remember that plans are written in your brain's language, the language of contingencies. Once your conscious mind has formulated a strategy, your unconscious mind will scan the environment and build contingencies – and voilà! You will carry out your strategy without any thought or effort!

Landmark Your Journey!

Achieving a goal requires you to take regular and honest stock of your progress! Set up monthly, weekly, or even daily checkpoints! Do you have trouble taking accountability for your success and productivity? Then perhaps you need to work with a productivity coach like MerriLyn.

This assessment helps motivate and subconsciously tune in to where we are and where we need to be. Assessing progress done right will keep motivation levels up from start to finish. Also, don’t forget to celebrate how far you have come too!

Be Optimistic – Realistically!

You need a considerable measure of positive thinking to achieve your goals! And this is pivotal in sustaining your motivation. However, you cannot underestimate the requirement for time, planning, effort, and persistence required to achieve your goal! Don’t be fooled that things will come to you effortlessly! Yes, you can manifest, but you also need to take action and be prepared!

This is the difference between being Optimistic and Realistic as opposed to being Optimistic and We're all guilty of juggling so many balls in the air that we often miss opportunities to act on our goals.

So seize the moment and prepare ahead of time when you will take action; this planning will help your brain to take action, which has been shown to boost the possibility of action and thus success by over 300%. This also helps you eliminate obstacles.

Remember that plans are written in your brain's language, the language of contingencies. Once your conscious mind has formulated a strategy, your unconscious mind will scan the environment and build contingencies – and voilà! You will carry out your strategy without any thought or effort!Unrealistic!

Don’t just visualize success – visualize the steps that will make success happen!

Get 'Better' First!

We often procrastinate in order to reach perfection! We need to learn to work with what we’ve got! We can change our skills, abilities, and aptitudes if we have a growth mindset! Learn from your mistakes! You don’t need to set the bar too high to succeed! All you need to do is focus on being better today than you were yesterday! This way, you can manage your anxiety and get out of your own way!

The Grit Game!

Persist in the face of difficulty! So, get your GRIT on! You can do this for yourself even if you believe yourself to be less gritty! The truth is – if your strategy is good, with the right steps – you have what you need to succeed – you just need to stay with the program.

Focus On The Will And Not The Won't!

Plan on how you will replace your counterproductive behaviors with productive ones in a given situation. If you focus on what you want to stop doing – you often fall into the trap of giving it too much attention! And what happens? What you focus on grows! What you give your energy to multiplies and manifests! Avoiding a thought makes it more active in your mind – so shift your focus to what you will do!

For example, rather than focusing on not losing your temper, focus on what you can do to soothe your temper when you feel it rising!

These little but mighty steps should have you well on your way to grabbing that success you want so badly!

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Written by Tatum De Souza

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