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The “New Normal”… from f2f to Virtual and Back!

In March 2020, we were ordered to quarantine to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We would have to find ways to adapt. How do we get by without the daily commute and socializing with friends? There were curfews and restrictions!

It took a few months, but I had adjusted to this new life of seclusion. I was now working virtually. No need to commute. Socializing with friends was almost immediately replaced by video conferencing.

After some time, social efforts to contain the virus were effective. The death toll and the rate of new infections was dropping to safer levels. We were mostly vaccinated. Curfews and restrictions were lifted. Now, we are getting back to what had been referred to as the "New Normal."

Though I'd adjusted to the quarantine, I am finding that I have to readjust to the "new/old world."

In terms of the subway commute, what used to be automatic (i.e., figuring out the better value of a time or value-oriented fare card)... now takes a few minutes. Moreover, it used to be second nature to think of my destination to determine the best route and stop. On my first trips after the quarantine, I disembarked a couple of stops too late. On another such trip, I got off the train at a stop too early.

I hadn't realized how much I missed being out and about. I had a welcome break and unexpectedly enjoyed simply sitting down at a pizzeria and enjoying a slice.

So, we are getting back to the "new world." It's a lot like the old one... just a few adjustments.

What does your “new normal” look like? We would love to feature your stories or snippets in our next blog! Send your comments to!

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Written by Daniel M. McHenry

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